Annotation toolbar
can be docked and or torn off
Create custom
exhibit Labels
Select any label
Select from two
popular label sizes
Up to four lines
of text
Select font name
and size for each label line independently
Select from square
or rounded borders
designer lets you see what your label will look like while you are designing
Save library of
Labels auto-number
as they are applied to the document
auto-numbering automatically numbers using database values for page ID,
Trial Exhibit No, or Exhibit Number fields label auto numbering can also
auto-number using sequentially generated numbers
Manual setting of
a label's number value will also automatically update the images exhibit or
trial exhibit number in the database
Toolbar lists all
labels for easy selection and application on documents
Move and delete
markups easier
Send Selected image
pages to .PDF file
Multimedia video
clips can be exported as edited segments instead of having to copy the entire
video file to the export volume. Now the user can choose to include just the
video from the clips included in the export
Export option to
export black & white images that have color markups on them as color images.
This will preserve the color labels and other markups into the final exported
file. The exported color files will be larger that the black & white
originals, so an export option is now available so that the user can choose
whether to preserve the color markups or to 'flatten' the markup into the
black and white images to save file space
DVT segments are
represented on a new slider bar that makes it much easier and more intuitive
for the user to navigate to any desired segment of a DVT clip
Process of moving
large numbers of items into a folder has been improved to provide
much better/faster performance
Function to split or
combine document from the case explorer. If the current record is page one of
a document and option to combine the current document with the preceding
document is available from the context menu or from the keyboard. If the
current record is a page number greater than 1, the option to split that
document into two documents is available
Case Explorer with
intuitive, user-friendly interface
Document Coding
Simple and Advanced
Query Searching
Case Level Security
Case Data Encryption
User Level Case
Case Copy Feature
Highest Quality
Color Images
Color coded folders
for organizing case exhibits into user defined categories
Item import module.
Auto-rename, arrange, and save new items during import
Exhibit organization
by file type: documents, photos, DVT, clips, audio/video streams, OLE files
Multiple file format
compatibility - over 50+ supported file types! VIEW LIST
Multimedia exhibit
Export capability
for creating volumes for specific exhibits
Comprehensive set of
annotation tools
Multiple annotation
watermarking, branding and redaction
Printable trial
notebook - with notes, thumbnails & barcodes
Thumbnail & barcode
Twain compliant
scanning software
DDE linking to MS
Access and Concordance
Full integration
with Summation Blaze LG and Summation iBlaze
resequencing via subset case creation
Add new items to
case via drag and drop
Multi-page TIFF
image support and export capabilities
Postscript printer
Utilize dual-bin
printers for slip sheet insertion between documents
Create exhibits from
clipboard text
Create multi-page
TIFF image from ASCII text transcript
Admitted Exhibit
Multiple stamps