


Gay San Francisco          Click for San Francisco, California Forecast

Wow - I just got back from San Francisco, in my attempt to chronicle the gay bars for you all, and had NO idea what was in store for me! I managed to get about 50 of the bars and clubs photographed, so you know what to look for when going to a bar or club, but beware! The San Francisco scene involves more than just knowing what a place looks like. For starters, many of the clubs/bars are gay/straight mixed. Not only that, but on some nights they are straight, and others, gay. Add in the fact that many of the bars and clubs have specialty nights that are referred to by that name, and you can get very confused, quickly. Many of the specialty nights only occur one night a month at a given club - MASS, for example - a huge circuit party-like event that happens the first Sunday of the month at 1015 Folsom.

I would point you to a local paper that lets you know what is happening where, but alas, the only papers I could find were hard-core GLBT news-newspapers, with nary a mention of the local bar/club scene. Hopefully one of you reading this can enlighten me as to where to point people for up-to-date bar/club info, while in San Fran.

Click for San Francisco, California Forecast

Click for San Francisco, California Forecast

                           Copyright 1998-2012 Bob Meyers

Comments, questions, gripes, anything at all, feel free to email me!

This page was last updated on 03/26/12.