For some reason, getting to know the gay nightlife in Seattle has been pretty
much a challenge. Figuring out the men in this city has been even more of
a challenge, but perhaps better left to another link.
In any case, for such a large city, there is not much from which to pick and
choose, especially if you like to dance. I have discovered the real scene
in this city is online. A result of the Microsoft/Amazon phenom?
Dunno. Unlike Denver, the bars here are pretty much all local hangouts,
and are accessible every day of the week, with a few busier on a given
The gay district in Seattle is the Capitol Hill neighborhood - just like
Denver, however - Seattle is not the capitol. Before
the year 1900 it was called "Broadway Hill". In the year 1901,
politicians wanted the capital of the state to be here (in Seattle) and renamed
the hill "Capitol Hill" to swing the vote. It didn't work!
As you know, Olympia became the capital but "Broadway Hill" kept the
new name "Capitol Hill" to this day. (Thanks goes to Dano Speck for
the Capitol Hill insight!)
The last year has seen a few changes -
on a recent visit back, I have attempted to get a handle on them so you have the
most up-to-date info. Please let me know if you find anything listed here
inaccurate. Otherwise - enjoy!
Copyright 1998-2012Bob Meyers
Comments, questions, gripes, anything at all, feel free to email