Herodotus Lives Zeus redefined Mount Olympus redesigned The songs of Homer redescribed The result of two millennia's experiences passed awaits These voices so very many voices resonate with centuries-old tales of greedy gods seeking the secret to human alchemy One condones clinic killings Another exploits ethnic euthanasia One even tolerates a thirst for terrorism Is it that obvious our leaden ears have turned out a source for their golden plunders? Further along on our Aegean journey . . . We want not for the lure of the siren's call We create our own Cyclops is nothing more than a bully to be silenced by a bullet's bite The scaly nature of Medusa's writhing hair is cured by simply switching conditioners With the Philosophy of History transmogrified Does Hegel's dialectic go terribly awry The truth I seek I shall find From within I pushoff My Iliad began calmly on the shallow waters of collective consciousness And will end upon discovery of my soul's place in perpetuity
---Robert Meyers-Lussier 29 October 1995 |
Copyright 1998-2012 Bob Meyers
Comments, questions, gripes, anything at all, feel free to email me! This page was last updated on 03/26/12. |