


Trial Director, Version 5.0

Trainer and Certified Reseller

I am including a new feature for all those that need support for Trial Director and Deposition Director, so please bear with me as I begin to implement it. It's a feature that allows you to connect to me to ask questions regarding anything, I am thinking specifically as a way to help out with questions regarding software.  Thank you, and here goes!


I am a certified trainer and reseller of Trial Director (formerly the Trial Director Suite). Please let me know how I might help you with the purchase and/or training of this valuable product by clicking hereAlternatively, feel free to go directly to inData's website. If you would be so kind, please let them know who sent you there (Bob Meyers) - it would be so very much appreciated!

If you are in the Denver, Minneapolis, Seattle, San Francisco or Boston areas, I may well be able to provide you with an in-house demonstration. Please feel free to contact me - if I am unable, I will be able to provide you with the name and number of someone who can!

                           Copyright 1998-2012 Bob Meyers

Comments, questions, gripes, anything at all, feel free to email me!

This page was last updated on 03/26/12.